
Add a "spot" to a class in a class diagram.

TODO i think there is a bug here. There is an order dependency of who is called first, addSpot or addAs. Both extend "as" which means that if addSpot is called before addAs it will be "interesting".

The documentation for PlantUML describes what it is. Example of a spot: class A << I, #123456 >> '--the spot----'

ref T m
string spot
if ()


auto m = new PlantumlModule;
auto class_ = m.class_("A");
class_.addSpot("<< I, #123456 >>");

Creating a plantuml spot. Output: class A << I, #123456 >> '--the spot----'

    auto m = new PlantumlModule;
    auto class_ = m.class_("A");
    class_.addSpot("<< I, #123456 >>");

    m.render.shouldEqual(`    class "A" << I, #123456 >>
